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up for some insurance matters.. March 19, 2009

Posted by raincrystal in general info, personal.
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i’m officially back again to the blogosphere.. [thanks to the slowly diminishing school stuff and academic requirements].. nyahaha.. well buddies, in case you have noticed, i have been up to insurance matters over the past few weeks — just got really interested in the subject, if you ask me.. as you probably know, we have no control over time and circumstances — and we don’t have the slightest idea as to what could possibly happen to us in the next few minutes or so.. disasters are simply lurking in the corner, waiting to pounce on its victims..

people die, people acquire severe types of diseases, people get involve in road accidents, people can immediately lose their shelters when a fire happens to take place.. every minute, there are thousands of people around the globe experiencing the said things — and the next minute, it could be you, or it could be me.. while we cannot exactly prevent these calamities to occur, we have the power to prepare ourselves — and that’s the good thing..

we can look for trusted insurance companies and sign in for a partnership.. as you can see, perhaps the biggest hurdle that one has to surpass in times of accidents is on how to shoulder the expenses — which is where insurance firms come in.. they make the load a lot lighter since you can actually receive compensations which will ultimately help you in starting over.. so you can face unexpected crisis without the added fear of being broke..

because life has tons of good things to offer..


without the hassles.. March 19, 2009

Posted by raincrystal in general info.
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it’s been a little over 4 months since my grandfather passed away — and i could still recall all the difficulties that we had to undergo, both emotionally and financially.. he was already 90 plus and for a few weeks preceding his death, his health gradually got worst, prompting him to stay in his bed all the while.. so we somehow anticipated it — we were not actually prepared with the expenses though.. and for some time, we had to go on with a really tight budget to make ends meet.. luckily, my uncle had signed up for a life insurance and it turned out to be a relatively big help for our clan — we were able to provide my grandfather with a nice lot in a private (not to mention expensive) memorial park..

thank goodness to insurance companies.. were it not for these kinds of businesses, we would have to shoulder every precious cent when accidents and tragedies occur — and that would be such a hard task.. the downside is, it can also be rather difficult to pay all the insurance premiums.. this is why we have to look for good companies which offer their customers a range of affordable insurance quotes..

since we can now do everything in front of our computer screens with the advent of technology, insurance companies have also gone techie to reach out to the public and provide them with exemplary service minus the hassles — now, we don’t have to phone in various offices or go from one insurance firm to another just to compare the types of coverage they have.. life definitely got a lot easier.. whether we want to sign in for life, auto, or home insurance, we would just have to go to a certain site and then we’re done.. but of course, we would not want to invest our savings with companies we could not be sure of.. first thing is to always go to a trusted insurance company — in fact, there is a particular site which is really helpful since they have already formed partnerships with various insurance companies, so if ever you want to file up for an insurance, they will match you with the company located near your residence.. plus, the insurance premiums you have to pay will ultimately suit your financial capabilities..


the best way to shed off excess pounds.. March 16, 2009

Posted by raincrystal in general info, health.

admit it — we (especially the girls) are really conscious about our bodies that oftentimes we end up ignoring that plateful of creamy black forest cake or that big, big box of milk chocolates in the fridge and spend crucial weeks on a diet of fruits and veggies.. [gulp].. luckily for me (although i do think that it’s not actually such a good thing), i DO NOT get fat.. yeah, you got that right.. i am a real foodie at heart and well, i just eat lots and lots (and lots) of food — my mantra, gobble gobble munch munch.. but no matter how much carbohydrate intake i have, i always manage to remain thin — not really reed thin but hmm, thin enough to make people think that i am malnourished or anorexic.. blame it on genetics and heredity..

but the positive side of the coin is well, i can eat anything i want (junk foods, rice, cookies, pizza, barbecue and all) without actually having to worry about how to shed the excess pounds.. but i can symphatize with buddies out there who due to their weight, have lost their confidence — they feel that they won’t ever have the chance of slipping their bodies into those sexy, slinky two-piece swimsuits (and summer is coming fast) or that their crushes will never throw them the second glances that they so deserve — or worse, and the most stressing thing: they will be more prone to severe disorders with their being fat (or obese, at that)..

thankfully, science has paved the way in helping people shed weight (and fast) by coming up with diet pills that work well in eliminating accumulated fats.. a close friend of mine has discovered a brand of diet pills that really keep up to their promises — well, he is not that fat but then, he has been bothered with the way he looks with his body.. so there, he cut his rice intake into a cup per meal and bought fruit juices containing L-carnitine which is also a slimming agent but after a few weeks, he gave up.. he simply can’t do all the hard work necessary in losing several pounds.. luckily, while surfing the net, he came across a really helpful site featuring top diet pills which are proven effective and free from side effects since they are made from natural herbs (you not only look sexy, you look healthy too) — plus, they also have diet pills reviews to guide the customers..

so when time comes when i finally acquire a lot of weight, i already know where to go..
